EMS 911
We are caregivers, first and foremost.
New Britain EMS treats our patients, customers, and teams with respect. Our commitment as healthcare providers is to employ the latest medical procedures and practices and by innovating to achieve successful patient outcomes.

Operations Division
The New Britain EMS Operations Division ensures that we deploy sufficient resources to respond to medical emergencies promptly with skilled crews and advanced life support medical equipment.

Professional Standards & Training Division
The New Britain EMS Professional Standards and Training Division encompasses Education & Staff Development, Community Outreach & Customer Service, and Clinical Quality Management to ensure that our patients receive high-quality, outcomes-based care.

Mobile Response Team
The New Britain Recovers Mobile Response Team was launched as part of a joint initiative between the Mayor’s Opioid Task Force and New Britain EMS under the Overdose to Community Action Grant awarded to the City as a means to reduce the number of opioid overdoses and accidental deaths in New Britain.
Operations Division
New Britain EMS is the lead agency responsible for managing Emergency Medical Services for the City of New Britain. The Operations Division ensures that we deploy sufficient resources to respond to medical emergencies promptly with skilled crews and medical equipment. Based on demand analysis, we staff two 24-hour ALS [Advanced Life Support] Ambulances, one 17-hour ambulance, one 10-hour ALS ambulance each day.
In addition, a 24/7 ALS Supervisor is deployed in a fly car. These units respond to more than 15,500 calls each year.
The Operations Division manages the fleet, bio-medical equipment, information technology, procurement, human resources, special operations, and our communications infrastructure to support our mission.

Life-Saving Equipment
Our crews are equipped with modern and dependable technology including LifeNET EKG transmission equipment, HealthEMS Electronic Patient Care Reporting, and IPAD Pro computer-aided dispatch and data entry terminals in each vehicle. Advanced care technologies include EZ-IO bone access needles, CPAP, and automated ventilators.
Fleet Readiness and Response
Our comprehensive fleet management system ensures that five ambulances and six support vehicles remain in service around the clock.
Our safety technology includes Drive Camera technology, backup cameras, and the training to make these tools effective. Our hydraulic-powered stretchers and loading system protect crews and patients alike.
Ambulances are stocked with supplies and equipment using the Operative IQ Inventory Management system, which facilitates strict inventory controls to streamline daily restocking duties.

Special Operations
Each year, over one million visitors come to the city of New Britain to participate in one of the hundreds of events held in our city. New Britain EMS provides emergency medical standby coverage at several hundred of these events. This is accomplished by deploying resources in several different capacities including standard ambulances, Gator 4×4 UTV, and our IMPBA Cycle Response Unit (CRU). Some of our Special Operations clients include the New Britain Bees, Hartford Marathon Foundation, CCSU Athletics, and the Connecticut Breast Health Initiative.
Professional Standards and Training Division
The Professional Standards and Training Division encompasses Education & Staff Development, Community Outreach & Customer Service, and Clinical Quality Management. This division is located at the New Britain EMS Academy located at 1 Herald Square in downtown New Britain.

The backbone of this division is the EMS Academy, which was established in January of 2010. The Academy has quickly grown to be one of the premier EMS and Allied Health training centers in Connecticut. Our Academy staff interacts with over 2000 students annually through our various programming opportunities.
We are designated as an American Heart Association Community Training Center and maintain a robust network of more than 200 affiliated instructors. Some of our Academy clients include the Consolidated School District of New Britain, the New Britain Fire Department, the Hartford Job Corps Academy, Trinity College, CCSU, West Hartford Fire Department, Wallingford Fire Department, Guilford Fire Department and several other private business and industries located within the Greater Hartford area.
The Academy offers EMT programs, American Heart Association classes, the Central Connecticut Paramedic Education Program Consortium, many other classes on request, and rental of our classroom and simulation space.
In the fall of 2017 our Academy moved to its new location specifically designed to meet the needs of its “flipped classroom” environment and its continued growth. Our new building has a state-of-the-art EMS simulation center with five high/medium fidelity manikins, eight simulation rooms, a simulation ambulance, and 4 classrooms.
Staff Development and Credentialing
A primary mission of this division is also the initial credentialing and continuing education of our Operations Division staff. One of our guiding core values is Excellence. As such, we invest heavily in the delivery and oversight of our clinical services.
Part of what makes New Britain EMS unique is our dedication to quality pre-hospital care. All paramedics and EMTs are required to obtain and maintain medical control sponsorship through the Hospital of Central Connecticut.
All new employees go through a 40-hour NEOP (new employee orientation program) which includes H.A.L.O. (high acuity low occurrence) skills training, (RSI) rapid sequence induction intubation training, crew resource management training, and medical incident command training.

Field Training and Evaluation Program
Following NEOP clinical staff must undergo a Field Training and Evaluation Program tailored to experience and clinical rank. The program consists of four phases of training each with individual milestones of mastery. This usually results in 400 hours of field training for paramedics and 240 hours for EMTs.
All of our Field Training Officers go through a selection process consisting of practical evaluation, written exam, and oral board interview. Once selected FTOs take part in a three-day education program on administering the program to new hires, educating the adult learner, and how to evaluate and provide feedback.
Continuous Quality Improvement
Our clinicians maintain their skills both clinically and through continuous training and quality improvement. In addition to the requirements to maintain licensure and certification, our paramedics must complete 36 hours of approved medical education and EMTs 24 hours. Additionally, paramedic and EMTs must undergo annual skills and R.S.I. validation. Employees participate on clinical development teams and a Medical Review Committee is convened monthly to retroactively review cases involving our staff from the previous month. We have closely tied our quality programs to our educational programs to help ensure a constant state of provider education.

Community Outreach
Each year we invest hundreds of uncompensated hours back educating our community on various outreach programs. We are the only organization in New Britain that has certified Car Seat Technicians on staff operating a Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspection/Installation Station. You will find our Outreach Team integrating into various community groups on a regular basis. We are proud members of the New Britain Chamber of Commerce, the New Britain Lions Club, the New Britain Network Group, and the Arch Street NRZ Additionally our Community Outreach Team provides The Citizen’s EMS Academy, Stop the Bleed, and Until Help arrives.